Quick Toots
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Surround Sound and AC3 Testing

May 2013

views 3079

AC3 Test Suite written by Dr Richard Marschall

A concise guide to AC3 surround sound testing with ALSA and several output methods

Composing With Patchage

June 2010

views 2759

Ultimate Patchage written by Alex Stone

A brief overview of the lengths that one composer is prepared to go to, to realise his compositional masterpieces with JACK and Patchage

Most Loaded Competition 2009

May 2009

views 10476

The Most Loaded Linux Audio Desktop Competition 2009: Round 2 written by Quicktoots

This is a little competition to see who can come up with the most heavily loaded and well laid out (cluttered might be a better word) desktop screenshot while running Linux Audio Applications.


  1. The most popular will be given top spot on the LAU Guide.
  2. All submissions will be presented as the next Quicktoot.
  3. There is no size restriction.
  4. Video/animation/flash and audio examples will also be accepted.
  5. Either post the url to Linux Audio Users mailing list. or send the entries directly to pshirkey at boosthardware dot com.

Sample Heaven

August 2007

views 6859

Djing & Loop Based Sampling written by Patrick Shirkey & Johannes Mario Ringheim

DJing is an artform and freewheeling with JACK on Linux makes it possible to amaze your audience with live remixes of rare cuts and hidden gems that when put together produce sample Heaven...

Ringheims Auto shows us how it's done.

"Fo Real"

Most Loaded Competition

October 2006

views 25630

The Most Loaded Linux Audio Desktop Competition written by Quicktoots

This is a little competition to see who can come up with the most heavily loaded and well laid out (cluttered might be a better word) desktop screenshot while running Linux Audio Applications.


  1. The most popular will be given top spot on the LAU Guide.
  2. All submissions will be presented as the next Quicktoot.
  3. There is no size restriction.
  4. Video/animation/flash and audio examples will also be accepted.
  5. Either post the url to Linux Audio Users mailing list. or send the entries directly to pshirkey at boosthardware dot com.

JACK - Da Mac Daddy

April 2005

views 15662

JACK, Ardour & Hydrogen on a mac written by Ben Powers

Most people buy Macs for the convienience and the multimedia capabilities. However it's easy to get locked into the purchasing cycle once you have one. Open source software is a way out of the debt cycle that allows you to leverage your investment with minimum extra expenditure. These days there is a complete solution for Open source audio recording available.

Find out how to make beautiful music on your beautiful Mac OSX system using the tools designed by the Linux audio developers community.

"Buy one, get one free!!!"

Elcheapo multichannel I/O

December 2004

views 14688

How to combine consumer grade devices into one written by Timo Sivula

So your too cheap/poor to afford the latest and greatest professional audio card? Maybe you just like to break stuff? Relax.... All you need are a few tools, some spare time and good hand/eye co-ordination. Why spend hundreds when you can spend less than a hundred?

This toot explains how to combine 2 or more consumer grade soundcards of the same model to be used as one single virtual multichannel soundcard for multichannel recording in Linux.

"Igor, It's alive!!!"

Mastering: Loudness

October 2004

views 10487

How to master for maximum impact written by Ron Parker

Mastering is the art of making a good mix sound incredible. It takes years of experience do do it well and is possibly the most important part of a professionals recording cycle.

This toot provides invaluable insight into sound control during the mastering phase. Ron puts together years of hard learned knowledge gained from running his Minneapolis studio.

Ooooh, The sound just makes me feeel soooo....

Connecting VST plugins to Linux apps

September 2003

views 15503

Using VST Plugins In Linux written by Dave Phillips

For some this is part of the holy grail for Linux audio. For others it's just a useful addition to the fold. Whatever way you look at it we are vastly richer in our tool base thanks to the efforts of Kjetil Matheussen and some handy miracles from the Wine development project.

In this toot Dave gives an indepth introduction to using VST plugins in a Linux env.

All your GUIs are belong to us

The lowdown on digital synthesis

February 2003

views 10767

ALSAModularSynth howtoot written by Dr Matthias Nagorni

AlsaModularSynth is a digital implementation of a classical analog modular synthesizer system. Modular synthesis is one of the most flexible and fascinating ways of making electronic music. It is almost impossible to find modern music that does not make use of modular synthesis to enhance or completely provide the sounds in the musical piece. Another forte of modular synthesis is completely organic randomised composition along the lines of Frippertronics.

In this howtoot Dr Nagorni has given a very concise rundown of the fundamentals involved in using a modular synth effectively. This toot will provide you with knowledge that can be universally applied.

A first approach using Protux

December 2002

views 9800

Protux howtoot written by Reinhard Amersberger

Protux-0.14.0 works in a different paradigm. Protux will allow you to utilize the power of keyboard+mouse combination (with no clicks) "Jog-Mouse-Board" or JMB, for short, to vastly speed up the process of audio production.

You can use it for a simple Multi Track Project but development from Mustux, the Musician Tools Paradigm Projects, multicultural team is rapid so expect enhancements.

Realtime synthesis with Pd, JACK and Ardour

November 2002

views 14869

Jacking Pd and Ardour - a tootorial written by Reiner Klenk

Realtime synthesis is one of the cornerstones of digital audio recording and performance. This toot gives you a helping hand into the world of Pure Data - One of the most popular and powerful synthesis applications/environments. With JACK it is now possible to stream more audio than ever before through applications like Pd and Ardour is there to help record the results.

Mommy, my ears are bleeding

Recording Audio from JACK-Enabled Applications in Ardour

September 2002

views 18605

JACKing Ardour with Muse - A tutorial written by Tony Schiavone

If you don't know how to do this you don't know JACK!

Essential reading for anyone who wants to get multiple audio apps working in realtime with low latency in the Linux environment. JACK is the Jack Audio Connection Kit - the Linux answer to Core Audio. Ardour is a professional Digital Audio Workstation. MusE is a professional MIDI editor. You want to have these working together like Tux needs water.

Digital DJing with TerminatorX tootorial

August 2002

views 8827

A TerminatorX tutorial written by Brian Redfern

"All realheads know what time it is with this" - KRS1.

If you've ever wanted to DJ/CJ with your machine take a toot on this one. Here we explain step by step how to set up a session in terminatorX. You will learn how to play multiple audio files at once, how to use the various FX to manipulate the soundz and how to scratch it up phat like a true Grandmaster.

An Audacity tootorial

August 2002

views 11906

An Audacity tutorial written by Daniel James

This toot gives a very good overview of how to use the stable version of Audacity to edit multiple files. Audacity is a multi platform sound editor and recorder with an extreemely cute GUI. It supports direct editing of .wav .ogg .mp3 and can be used to record from standard audio drivers on all platforms. Audacity also has support for FX and Plugins from LADSPA and VST. The next version promises multitrack recording, international language support and JACKification through Port Audio.

Ardour - editing and recording

July 2002

views 23432

The Ardour Basic Editing & Recording Howto written by Paul Winkler and Patrick Shirkey with additions from Paul Davis

This HOWTO describes the basics of editing and recording with Ardour - the most advanced Digital Audio Workstation that the Linux Audio Developers have to offer. Fully exercising ALSA and designed around the concept of making Protools redundant Ardour is fast becoming the professional standard for Linux digital audio recording.

Sequencers and Softsynths

Feb 2002

views 7464

The sequencers and softsynths howtoot written by Frank Barknecht with additions from Takashi Iwai

This HOWTO describes the needed setup to control a MIDI capable software synthesizer from a MIDI sequencer through a virtual MIDI connection under ALSA 0.9.

arecord and RTmix

Feb 2002

views 7080

The arecord and RTmix toot written by Patrick Shirkey and Dave Phillips

Find out how to record using the native ALSA API arecord. Then use RTmix to perform live with your new recordings.


Jan 2002

views 7136

The MusE toot written by Dave Phillips

Number two in the series of these finely crafted tutorials for Linux sound application users. MusE is a MIDI file editor designed for professional use.


Jan 2002

views 7764

The ceres3 toot written by Dave Phillips

The first in the series. Ceres3 is an audio synthesis program with a visualisation GUI.

The quick toots are the brainchild of Dave Phillips the man responsible for the most comprehensive webpage devoted to Linux audio applications. The Linux Sound and Midi page. Your one stop resource for Linux sound software.